Saturday, May 1, 2010

Becoming comfortable with discomfort

Distance: 7.15 miles
Time: 1:12:27

Stats/Track map


If you look back a few weeks you'll see me wishing there were a tangible way to measure if I'm getting better. Well, this run ought to do it. New distance record - 7.15 miles, and in a time that averages out to 10:13 per mile! I felt pretty good that I could do 7 miles, but I had no idea I'd do it in that kind of time, and I'm really psyched about that!

This was a tougher run, and not just because it was a longer distance. I kind of did it up last night after my improv show with a few beers, and my lunch at taco bell today wasn't exactly the most run-friendly meal to have. I guess I just like to give myself a challenge. ;) Thankfully I had a lot of Gatorade at home, so I started re-hydrating from the beer when I got home last night, and then through the day today. Still, I could feel the difference between today and Thursday's 4-mile run.

Interestingly, the first three miles were the most difficult. I guess that's because my body was still getting used to the sudden increase in activity during the first couple miles. Then I got into a groove and cruised after that. Somewhere around mile 5 I decided that distance running probably means coming to terms with feeling comfortable with a certain level of discomfort. Not discomfort as in injury, thankfully, but just the general discomfort of performing a taxing activity that increases stress on your legs and body in general. So yeah, right around mile 3 I felt like I got into that groove where more distance wasn't making me feel any better or worse, the farther I went.

Also, I ran out of Gatorade at mile 5. I have a 20-ounce container on a belt that I bring with me for longer runs and take a few swigs at every mile. So I'll have to figure out what to do as I go for longer and longer runs. Perhaps pre-hydrating a bit more when I leave the apartment so I don't start drinking from my supply until a couple miles into my run. We'll see.

Track list:

I did bring along my iPod today. I figured with 7 miles, I might want a little distraction. I downloaded Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog (for those familiar with such things) to the iPod and listened to that to help the time pass. So I listened to that...twice. It's shorter than I remember it being. ;) I think I'll try my next long run without the iPod, though. It does distract me a bit from concentrating on regular breathing and consistent pace. But fine for my run today.

1 comment:

  1. Duncan Nisbett aka NighteyezMay 6, 2010 at 12:45 PM

    A couple things. On the pre-hydrating, I read a recent study that if the runner consumed a drink that temporarily lowered their body temperature (such as a slushie) then the runner was able to run longer.

    Regarding the iPod, if you really want to use it while running, then take a look online. I know there is a resource out there that has playlists which will take the time you spend running and create a list of songs to select which has a beat to help maintain your pace. I don't remember what it is offhand, but I'll try to let you know if I find it again.
