Thursday, May 20, 2010

Running in the Rain

Distance: 4 miles
Time: 39:51


Light drizzle throughout the run, but not unpleasant. I didn't end up running yesterday, so I had to make up for it today. 6:00 AM at Diversey and Lakeshore is just too early for me, and I had tickets to see Conan O'Brien last night at 7:30 PM so a run after work, before the show wasn't really feasible either.

Anyway, I was thinking a 10:30 pace would be good, so I set out at what I thought was that pace. Turned out I hit mile 1 at 9:55. I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep that pace up, but I thought I'd try and see what happened. At mile 2, I was at 20:10, so I'd lost a few seconds, but pretty much still on pace. Mile 3 was at 30:15, and at that point I decided I wanted to finish in under 40 minutes, so I just turned it up ever so slightly and brought it home in 39:51, which felt really good to do!

There's just something about the first 2.5 to 3 miles that sucks, though. It's like my legs are still working out how best to distribute the workload. I'll get slight cramps or pains here and there, which end up working themselves out. Nothing bad, just little facts of life for a runner, I guess. Mile 4 felt pretty good, though. Partly because I was focused on maintaining my pace, but partly because I think my legs had finally worked out which muscles would be doing what.

Saturday - 6 miles


  1. Hey dude, keep it up. This is slighted/illused from PA. Are you using a gps watch for your routes/times or using google maps or something ahead of time to plan your routes?


  2. I'm using an app on my Droid that uses the GPS in the phone to track where I run.

    As you can see if you look at Thursday's map, it can sometimes be pretty off. It was raining, and the cloud cover can screw with the signal (as can buildings, trees, etc.) It's an imperfect system.

    I'd consider getting a GPS watch if it's any more accurate/reliable. Plus it'd be easier to check the time than pulling the phone out of my belt pouch every time I want to see.
