Monday, May 24, 2010

Thanks, Duncan Keith!

Distance: 4 miles
Time: 42:15


Phew, it was hot today! Temperature played a significant factor in today's run. While my legs felt fine, I was definitely breathing harder and working harder to keep running. While last Thursday's 4-miler felt decent, today was a challenge. I had to take a walk for half a block at the end of mile 2.

I was really tempted to call off my run after my first 2-mile lap, but I managed to keep going, thanks to the Chicago Blackhawks, specifically number 2, Duncan Keith. See, he took a puck to the face yesterday in the Blackhawks playoff game 4. The puck took out SEVEN of his teeth, and guess what? He STAYED IN and finished the game, helping Chicago go on to win their first appearance in the Stanley Cup finals since 1992. Anyway, the guy is a hoss! So I figured, if he can play hockey after losing seven teeth, the least I could do was run one more 2-mile lap.

I should have taken my water bottle with me. Normally I don't take it unless I'm going 5 miles or more. But I should have thought more about the temperature and how much more I'd be sweating. Oh well, live and learn. Also, now I have a better idea what to expect on Wednesday night for the timed 5K race. I am a bit concerned that the heat is going to affect what kind of time I get, but there's not much I can do about it. Plus, it's only going to get hotter, so getting my first timed run in the heat will probably be more accurate in the long run.

One nice thing was that a couple people were watering their lawns with lawn sprinklers, which provided a refreshing blast of cold water to the face.

Wednesday - 5K CES race

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