Monday, May 17, 2010

Run long and prosper

Distance: 4 miles
Time: 41:56


If you look to the right, you'll see a little box with a recent course list. So, instead of me having to put a link into every post, the links will be right there every time (as long as I continue to use this particular GPS app). Also, at the moment, their website seems to be down, but hopefully that is temporary.

So that's nerd exhibit A. Exhibit B is the GPS tracker itself, that I've been using since I started running. And tonight, just for a change of pace, I decided to load the Star Trek movie onto my iPod and listen to that while I ran. I will submit that as exhibit C. And now I'm blogging about my run - exhibit D.

As for the run, it was so-so. I didn't do a very good job of keeping a consistent pace. First mile was about 10 minutes, the second was about 11 minutes. The last two averaged to about 10:30. It's not too big a deal, though. The point of my training group is that I'll learn how to pace myself. That will happen over time. The point of today is basically to log my miles to improve my endurance and strength, and I accomplished that.

Wednesday - 40 minutes

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