Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Foot update

An update on my foot. Well, the pain hasn't gone away. It's basically the same as it has been for the last week. Slightly better than the first day I had it, but not gone away like I'd hoped. I haven't run now for a week and a half, which really sucks. I really don't want to get behind on my training, but if it turns out that this is a stress fracture, then I really do need to stay off the foot until it is healed.

The bright side is that my half marathon is still one month away, so there is time to get back up to speed. But only if I finish healing,

The frustrating thing for me right now is that the foot specialist my coach recommended can't see me for two weeks, which is ridiculous. I have an injury now, not in two weeks. I suppose next time I should plan my injury in advance when the guy is available. Can you tell I'm pissed off?

Anyway, all I can do right now is stay off the foot as much as possible. So no running. I still need my foot to get to and from work, and to move around while at work. A pair of crutches might help me keep the weight off it, but again, not until I can see a doctor. I'm going to try swimming to keep in cardiovascular shape in the meantime. Tomorrow will be my first opportunity to try it out. I hope it works out.


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