Monday, June 14, 2010

Extra, extra!

I don't have a scale at home, and I generally don't keep close track of my weight. However, while at a friend's house this weekend, I used his scale and weighed myself to find that I actually weigh five pounds more than I did when I started running/working out this year.

I don't feel like I'm eating more, and I'm certainly burning more calories with all the running, and yet I gained five pounds. I'm kind of hoping that it's because I'm adding muscle while reducing fat. Muscle is more dense than fat, so if I'm trading one for the other, I could gain weight from that.

Still, kind of disheartening.

On top of that, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to run tonight. My legs are still somewhat sore from Saturday morning's run, and running too soon is just going to prolong recovery. On the other hand, I can't be skipping my Monday run every week, can I? Maybe I can get into the habit of swimming at the gym instead of running on Monday, so I still get my cardio done but without the impact that running is causing to my legs. That might be the best thing to do.

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