Monday, September 27, 2010

Injury update, shoes, long-term plans

It's been a while since I've updated here, mostly because there hasn't been much to update. But now I do have updates, so here they are.

I still don't feel like my foot is 100%. It's definitely better than it was a few weeks ago, but every now and then, I'll notice something not feeling quite right. I'm still taping it up every day, though, and I think that helps.

I have a follow-up doctor's appointment on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to seeing the ultrasound to see if things are better on the inside.

I went to Fleet Feet on Friday to get new running shows. My doctor had given me a list of shoes he recommended for my foot type, so I took that in. We went through the list and I tried the different brands on. Most of them didn't feel like they fit my foot right, except for one style of Saucony that I liked. Unfortunately, they didn't have that style in my shoe size (I have wide feet). They had to special order them and it's going to take a couple weeks to come in. So I'm going to take that extra time to let my foot recuperate that much more before I start running again.

Well, taking that extra time off means I don't have enough time to train for the Monster Half-Marathon I was planning to run on October 31st (it was going to be pushing it to be ready for 10/31 as it was if I could have run this week). There just aren't enough weeks for me to get back to 13 miles after losing my conditioning during this injury. But, this leaves me with a certain clarity of purpose. My ultimate goal has been to run the New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon in February. So once I get my new shoes and my foot is better, I'm going to make that day 1 of training for the marathon. Once I figure out my training schedule, I'll get that posted up here. Wish me luck!

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