Friday, August 13, 2010

I haven't disappeared

I'm not being lazy about blogging. It's just that I haven't run since the half-marathon.

I was feeling good after about a week and was ready to start back, and then my foot started hurting, in the heel. I haven't been doing anything strenuous, just the walking that's required to get through the day. But the front part of my heel, where it meets the arch of my foot hurts now and then, kind of like a bruise, but there's no bruise visible.

So I am waiting for that to go away before I start back. It's one month until the second half-marathon, so there's still time to get some good training in, but I want to not hurt my foot any more before the race.



  1. You might want to go see a foot doctor. I have been dealing with that, it's not a bruise although it feels like it, it's plantar fascitis

    I recently got a cortisone shot in my foot that stopped the pain, hasn't hurt for a few weeks now. Before that I was taping my foot. It does work as a temporary measure.

    feel better!

  2. I have been to a foot specialist, who told me to get inserts for high arches because of the plantar fasciitis. So I did that. And it had gone away in time for my first half-marathon.

    So now I'm not sure what's bringing it back... :P
