Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pay for what you get

Distance: 10 miles
Time: 2:05:28


I knew my first long run coming back after my injury was going to be tough, and I was right. Damn, it was tough! It was long. It was taxing. It was hot. But now it's done.

I waited until 9:00 PM to let it cool down as much as it could, and I'm glad I did. It was still about 82 degrees when I started. Maybe about 79 when I finished. But without the sun in the sky, it helped a lot.

Not sure what to say, really, other than it took all my determination to finish. I had to use a lot of mental and physical resolve to get myself through this run, but I'm proud that I did it. The course I ran was five laps of my regular neighborhood 2-mile course. I did that because I knew I was going to have to stop and refill my drink belt, and I wanted to play it safe and be able to do that when I needed to. Anyway, because the course kept taking me past my apartment, it took a gut check every time I passed it, not to let myself call off the last couple laps.

I took the speed very safe. I started out on an 11-minute per mile pace, and I walked 1 minute after most miles. This gave my legs a chance to clear out some of the lactic acid that was building up, and it let me cool down a little, too. I wasn't concerned with time as much as I was completing my goal distance of 10 miles. This ties the longest run I've done yet, and is the longest time I've spent running.

I really would have liked to have gotten in another one or two long runs of 11 and 12 miles, but there's just not enough time before the half-marathon. So the race is definitely going to be a challenge. But I think, come race day, I'll have the fortitude to finish. Cardio-wise, I'm good to go. My pace is generous enough that I could keep going longer than 10 miles. It's clearly going to be a test of leg strength and endurance, though. That's going to be the factor that most affects my performance at this point.

Tomorrow or Friday I'm going to do my best to get to the pool and do some lap-swimming. I'm bound to be sore after this run, but I want to work my muscles out to help clear the lactic acid so Saturday's group run is a little easier.

Saturday - 6 miles

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Chip! You will be just fine with the mileage you have... the last three miles of half marathons have FLOWN by for me, because that's when the crowds get thicker and you get that adrenaline rush knowing you're almost there. I'm blown away by your route for that 10 miler... running by your house every 2 miles? THAT probably took way more resolve than your half will!!!

    Keep up the good work :)
